Default text style: Customize how you want your email body text to appear (font, size, color ect.).
Check " Reply All" to automatically reply to all email recipients.
Default reply behavior: Check "Reply" to automoatically reply to the email sender.
Check " Ask before displaying external images" if you want Google to ask for your permission before loading images within emails (preferred option for slow internet connection or limited mobile data).
Images: Check " Always display external images" if you want Google to automatically load images within emails.
Under " Show # contacts per page", choose how many contacts appear on one page when you are viewing them.
Maximum page size: Under "Show # conversations per page", choose how many email messages appear on one page of your main Google Mail screen.
Phone numbers: Choose what country code you want Google Mail to use for phone numbers.
Language: Choose what language you want Google Mail to display in.
When you make a change to an option, you must click to change the option. The following are the options available on the “General” tab of the “Settings” page.