Type ~ and then “showracemenu” without the quotation marks, and this will open the character creation menu where you can alter your race, gender, and appearance. In vanilla (unmodded) Skyrim, it’s only possible via console commands. There you will find a woman named Galathil who can “change your face.” You’ll be able to do anything except change your race and it will cost you 1000 gold to do it. How do you change your character in Skyrim Xbox 360? This will pull up the character creation screen that you came across when you initially created your character. Type ‘showracemenu’ in the console and hit Enter. Open the console by pressing ‘~’, which is located in the top left corner of standard North American keyboards. How do you open the RaceMenu mod in Skyrim? She can change your appearance for the price of 1000 gold, but not your race or gender. Galathil is a Bosmer found in the Ragged Flagon in Riften. You can use the /showracemenu command to change the details. Using the command on a companion will cause them to respawn on the next map change. As far as I know, the only way to change your character’s details after the initial setup is through the console, which is only available on the PC version. Appearance, level, perks, quests, caps, fatigue, and thirst do not reset.

Can I rename my character in Skyrim?Ĥ Answers.

Generally there isn’t, but in cases of wanting to change your name to God, there might be. Sure, you just go to the clerk of the court and submit a change of name form. Can you change your name in Skyrim Xbox one?