Scenarios also pave the way for some exciting future content that could utilize some of the game's often-overlooked elements, such as parenting, farming, or growing a career. The new Sims 4 announcement should be welcome news to those who enjoy using the game for storytelling and roleplaying. Some Scenarios will be limited-time events, with EA stating that some " will be available for a long time while others will be available for a limited time." Simmers will be able to access Scenarios through the game's main menu. Similar to the player-made Rags to Riches challenge, Making Money will see Simmers work their way from zero Simoleons to one million, while Finding Love after a Break up will offer a relationship-based story. Simmers will find two " Challenge Scenarios" to choose from, Making Money and Finding Love after a Break up, though EA has confirmed more Scenarios will be added in the future. Scenarios are stories in which player choices impact the outcome, with multiple endings available and different methods of completion. Publisher EA has announced that goal-based Scenarios will be coming to the game via a free update, available for all Sims 4 players from November 2. Related: Pokémon Locations Have Been Recreated In The Sims In lieu of in-game story content, Sims fans have taken to creating their own challenges to fill the void, such as the famous Rags to Riches challenge, in which players start the game with no money, oftentimes being homeless, with the aim of building up their wealth and creating their own Sims home. Aside from career challenges, there's not much guided play within the Sims, something that is a plus for many, but a frustration for others. While The Sims 4's paid DLC expansions introduce new worlds, items, and gameplay, Simmers have been asking for more immersive goal-based content for some time. While the Sims 4 is perhaps best known for its ever-growing roster of paid DLC expansion packs, the base game does see semi-regular free updates, with a September patch recently adding new items and swatches to The Sims 4.

A free Sims 4 base game update adds story-based Scenarios to the game, starting with a bankruptcy and a love challenge for Simmers to take part in.