Furthermore, Bliz recently confirmed that items from Caches roll their smart drop according to the class of the character that opens the cache. Avoiding a legendary drop in the world increases the chance the pity timer drops one in your cache. Then one day when you’re around your computer but can’t actually play (because work, homework, bad lag, etc), just leave your character sitting in town for a couple of hours (you’d have to Alt+Tab back to move once in a while so you don’t get disconnected) and after a couple of hours, start opening up Horadric Caches. In addition to this short PTR, there will be some significant changes in terms of quality of life for a lot of classes, as certain class sets are getting significant buffs. Blizzard is about to put Diablo 3's Patch 2.6.4 on the PTR for a week of testing - an unusually short amount of time for a patch to get tested on the PTR, implying a fast turnaround for it. Do not kill any mobs except those required for objectives.